
Shares: Asenna Wealth Story

By Anthony Khoury

Over the years I have met many people who have had different successes and failures in trading the share market. No matter where I have worked, I have seen the same patterns with share trading over and over again. I realised that there must be a better way for traders to make money in the stock market.

Throughout these years, irrespective of market trends, there has also been a common theme from clients. How do I get the best investment without paying large amounts of fees for the privilege? Furthermore, who can I turn to give me some direction on what to do in the stock market?

I need to know what is happening in the market without having to listen to too many opinions and paying hefty brokerage fees. There must be a cheaper and more sensible way to receive stock market news and stock recommendations.

Modern Technology has helped the share market grow to a whole new level by giving investors new tools to gain that competitive edge.

What do investors need in today's market?

Share traders want fast access to information so that they can make quick decisions. They are not interested in a newsletter that comes once a week. They want it as it happens.

What is the best way that we can help investors be successful in the share market?

Clients wanted a better way to get to trade so we developed the live trading pit. This way, clients could see what stocks our traders were looking at. At least I will have more confidence in my share trading knowing that I can reach out to someone in the trading pit.

With our traders guiding them, investors felt more assured in their share trading activities.

Senna was the pinnacle of success. Asenna was named after him as we are all big formula one fans. His drive and success is what we focus our company on.

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